Due to the measures taken by the Spanish government, there will be adjustments within our clinic in the following weeks. We are absolutely convinced that staying at home as much as possible and avoiding contact with others is essential. In this context, we will start an online consultation. All appointments can be made with our receptionists on the number: 965831336. It is advisable to make use of this as much as possible.

We will be present in the clinic during open hours. But, the consultations are restricted for urgent matters and only with an appointment. We will also schedule the appointments so that patients do not enter the clinic at the same time. The door will be locked; so please ring the bell and wait for one of us to open the door. Do not take anyone to the clinic unless there is no other option.

We do ask you to consider the following:

We request that patients that cough, or are short of breath or have a fever do not come to the clinic or other medical services. If you suspect that the corona virus may be involved, please call 900300555 or 112.

This is an exceptional situation in which we really advise you to simply stay at home in your own safe environment, so that you do not take extra risks, not only for yourself, but also for others. Have a good night’s rest, take sufficient vit C and vit D3 and I fully agree with my colleague Max Meertens in Benissa: “Take it with humor, stay at home, read that book or watch the movie you’d always wanted to see. Do the chores that have been waiting for you for years. Try to limit the overload of news by television and online.”

The best current information about the coronavirus can be found via the Ministerio de Sanidad.