In the maze of menopause (women) and andropause (men) symptoms, many get the feeling that they can no longer see the forest for the trees. Fatigue, hopelessness, anxiety and depression are often the result.

In most cases this is easy to treat with individually dosed bio-identical hormones. Professional guidance is essential and is based on your complaints and laboratory tests.

List of symptoms and complaints

Too little estrogen:

Common symptoms:

Hot flashes, night sweats, forgetfulness, depressed feelings, heart palpitations, concentration problems, pain during intercourse, weight gain, headache, sleep problems, decreased libido, osteoporosis, inflammation of the bladder and vagina, vaginal dryness, dry skin, dry eyes, high blood pressure, more hairiness and wrinkles above the mouth and sagging in the area of ​​the vagina.

Not enough progesterone:

Common symptoms:

Swollen and painful breasts, irregular menstrual periods, high blood loss, weight gain, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), easily irritated, headache, easy fluid retention, joint pain, decreased concentration, muscle cramps, depressive feelings, acne, greasy skin, insomnia, hair loss, mood swings and bloating feeling.

Too little testosterone (in women):

Common symptoms:

Fatigue, decreased libido, heart palpitations, confusion, forgetfulness, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, less decisive, fibromyalgia complaints, vaginal dryness, depressive feelings, dry, thin skin, all sorts of pains, less self-confidence, incontinence for urine, quick anxiety and very emotional.

Too little DHEA:

Common symptoms:

Tiredness, muscle weakness, weight gain, thicker abdomen, faster aging, reduced libido, dry eyes, loss of hair (everywhere), joint pains, dry skin, depression, reduced immunity, being easily irritated.