A hormone is a substance that is produced in certain cells in the body, and then enters the bloodstream to control and regulate specific a processes in the body. Only a small amount is needed for this function. Dozens of hormones have now been discovered.

The most important are sex hormones and their function


This is an important hormone for women, but certainly also for men. It is called the “female hormone” because it is mainly produced in ovaries and plays an essential role during the development of female physical characteristics and pregnancy. Estrogen is very important for heart and blood vessels and for the health of our brain, bones and intestines. It also affects our libido and mood and prevents wrinkled skin. We all want to pursue these effects! Together with the progesterone, the estrogen takes care of the monthly cycle. The pituitary gland in the brain controls this process through the production of the FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone). The latter hormones are often measured in a blood test to determine the menopause.


Progesterone has a dynamic interaction with estrogen. This hormone also plays a role in our monthly cycle and in pregnancy, but it does much more. It is often thought that women who no longer have a womb do not need progesterone, but this is a big mistake. What does this hormone do then? It prevents PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and it reduces the abnormal growth of uterine lining and breasts. It improves sleep and mood, can prevent anxiety attacks and has a calming effect. It also ensures better focus and concentration. That is why this is also called the “happy hormone”. Just like estrogen, it strengthens the bones and reduces wrinkles of the skin. These are of course the effects of the bio-identical progesterone, and not of the synthetic variants.


This hormone is produced in men in the testicles (testicles) and in women in the ovaries (ovaries). For men, this hormone has about the same functions as the estrogen in women. The characteristics of the male body, beard growth and the heavier voice arise from this hormone. It also has a positive influence on the health of the heart, the bones, the brain and the mood. Funnily enough, in women the testosterone level in the blood is usually 2 to 5 times higher than that of the female hormone estrogen. Why do they also need testosterone? This hormone also gives women energy, muscle strength, perseverance and decisiveness. It also has an anti-depressive effect and stimulates libido. The older we get, the less testosterone is produced.